Biography – Adjunct professor at CBS Henrik RotheFormer president of the Danish Maritime and Commercial High Court

Senior associate Copenhagen Economics

Project Manager at Justitia

Master of Laws, 1974.
Certified mediator.
Commander of the Order of Dannebrog of 1. Degree.

Born 28. January 1949.

Married to Bettina Rothe.Experience

  • President of the Maritime and Commercial High Court (2010- 2019). The court is a highly specialised court dealing with IP law, competition law, transportation law, marketing law and international business law.
  • 2019 adjunct professor at law at Copenhagen Business School.
  • 2019 Senior associate Copenhagen Economics.
  • 2019 Project manager at the legal think tank Justitia.
  • 2020 Chair of The Board of Appeal for Patens and Trademarks
  • Expert mediator and arbitrator in commercial disputes. At an annual basis, I sit as umpire or sole arbitrator in 8-10 national and international cases pr. year. I annually mediate 2-5 disputes concerning conflicts between businesses.
  • Secretary General of the Danish Bar and Law Society (Det Danske Advokatsamfund) (1995-2009)
  • Chief executive officer of the Service Company for Danish Law Firms (Advokaternes Serviceselskab) providing education, insurance and IT consultancy services for the profession.(1995-2008)
  • Judge in Slagelse, Denmark (1989-1995)
  • Assistant judge and deputy judge in the city courts of Næstved, Korsør and Sorø and in the Eastern High Court (1978-1989)
  • Head of Secretariat of the Western Zealand County Appeals Board (Amtsankenævnet i Vestsjælland) (1975-1978)
  • Deputy-prefect in the Western Zealand County Authority (Vestsjællands Statsamt) (1974-1975)

Positions of trust and secondary occupation

  • External examiner at the University of Copenhagen
  • Chairman of the Examination Complaints Board at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
  • Chairman of the Danish Medical Association’s Arbitral Tribunal 2010-2019
  • Chairman of the permanent arbitration tribunal of Dan Avl 2019-
  • Chairman of the Judges Forum in the IBA (International Bar Association) (2010-2017 )
  • Member of the board of directors of the IBA (2007-2009)
  • Member of the Standing Committee of the CCBE (The Council of Bar and Law Societies in Europe) (1995-2009)
  • Chairman of CEEBA (Chief Executives, European Bar Associations) (1995-2005)
  • Former secretary and member of several working committees under the auspices of the Danish Standing Committee on Procedural Law (Retsplejerådet) (1975-1995)
  • Acting representative of the Danish Bar and Law Society in several legislative committees.
  • Member of The Board of Trustees ERA (Academy of European Law, Trier )
  • Member of Advisory Panel, Unified European Patent Court.
  • Member of Enlarged Board of Appeal, European Patent Organisation, Munich.

Publications and education activities

Author and Co-author of e.g.:

  • “Proceduren”, (“Closing Statements”) 3rd edition, (2009)
  • Alternativ konfliktløsning (ADR ) 2015
  • The administration of justice act (5.6.7 and 8 edition)
  • Karnov, Body of laws (5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Edition )
  • Hammerslag ( Judicial sales 1.and 2. edition 1997 )
  • I Fogedretten ( Enforcement law 1. and 2. edition 1997 )
  • Numerous articles in legal gazettes on mainly procedural law.

Education of Danish judges, lawyers and the financial sector in procedural law, enforcement law, judicial sales.

2013 education of Tunisian Judges in Human rights.

2018-19 education of Iranian judges in IP law.

2005 on behalf of the Danish Government helped to establish an independent Bar  Association in Vietnam.

Mail – phone +4524810071